Detox/Hydration SpaCapsule: RedFusion
Detox/Hydration SpaCapsule:
Select a course of treatments, or focus exclusively on your intended goals. Courses and programs include:
Anti-Aging Program:
3 steps/treatments over 7-10 days
3 steps/treatments over 7-10 days
#1: Activate
HKD198 / 2.00 Points
Stimulates and activates collagen while improving tone and texture of your skin.
#2: Accelerate
HKD278 / 3.00 Points
Rejuvenates and boosts anti-aging process while improving your overall skin condition.
#3: Achieve
HKD368 / 4.00 Points
Full body detoxification and anti-aging while replenishing moisture to your skin.
Weight-Loss Program:
4 steps/treatments over 8-12 days
4 steps/treatments over 8-12 days
#4: Cleanse
HKD238 / 2.50 Points
Aggressive detoxification while improving tone & texture of your skin.
#5: Condition
HKD278 / 3.00 Points
Re-Energizes while stimulating weight-loss.
#6: Contour
HKD278 / 3.00 Points
Tones, smooths, and soothes muscles while reducing appearance of cellulite.
#7: Core
HKD278 / 3.00 Points
Raises metabolic rate while improving whole body appearance.
Tan & Glow:
Single pre-tan step/treatment
Single pre-tan step/treatment
#8: Tan & Glow
HKD198 / 2.00 Points
Deep hydration and tan preparation.